
Who We Work With

We work with YOUNG PEOPLE! Our target age range is 7 to 19yrs. We believe everyone deserves time to experience arts and culture and to be creative, no matter who they are or where they come from. We see an education landscape that has so many pressures on it, a one where arts and culture […]
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We work with YOUNG PEOPLE!

Our target age range is 7 to 19yrs.

We believe everyone deserves time to experience arts and culture and to be creative, no matter who they are or where they come from.

We see an education landscape that has so many pressures on it, a one where arts and culture is not prioritised, yet we live in a world where the arts and culture touches every part of our lives without us often even realising. We live in a world that requires creativity and resilience in abundance, yet it is often the first thing that is dropped when budgets are cut or pressure to meet targets in education are raised.

Creativity and the arts are literally all around us… the clothes we wear, the furniture and wallpaper in our homes, the cars we drive and the technology and gadgets we use, all had to be designed. The TV and films we watch, the computer games, the packaging on everything we buy, the advertisements we see daily, the music we listen to and the festivals, events and celebrations we go to have all been touched and made possible by artists and creatives. The cultural and arts industries in this country offer so many career opportunities and the shows, films, events, gigs and activities they produce are the very parts of our lives that bring joy to people’s lives and enhance our wellbeing.

Although we work with ALL young people, because of where we are based and because of our alternative and inclusive approaches, we often attract to our projects and work, those who face systemic disadvantage in their lives. This may be because of where they live (for example, areas of high economic deprivation) and/ or because of more personal experiences within their lives (for example, bullying, mental health challenges, homelessness, domestic violence, caring responsibilities, special educational needs, disability). We often see amazing outputs and huge acheivements from the very young people who are school refusers, ‘the harder to reach’ or those who are seen to misbehave or engage in anti-social behaviour.

We work with young people as we truly believe that they are not only the FUTURE of our communities, that they are part of our communities RIGHT NOW! Young people have a valuable contribution to make and should be at the heART of communities being nurtured and supported. We have a duty to bring the arts and creativity into their lives and to re-prioritise the arts as the valuable part of our lives it should be.

We believe that… Creativity changes lives… Art changes lives… and Youth Work changes lives!

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I love the events put on by these guys. The team are so friendly and welcoming and the children have an absolute ball!!!
